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Uşak University is a young and active university founded in the west part of Turkey in 2006. There are 2 graduate schools, 12 faculties, 11 vocational schools and 3 colleges with more than 33.000 students. The students attending the university have the opportunity of self-development with many facilities. There are 685 academic staff and 329 administrative staff in the university. The academic staff work both in lecture and researching fields. The main aspiration of the university is to be a reputable university under the light of science and wisdom. USAK University forms part of a cohesive town-university community with the growing agricultural-commercial-industrial province of Uşak. Away from city complexities, the students enjoy many intellectual, cultural, and recreational advantages: ongoing professional musical, dramatic, and artistic groups and performers at the campus; art exhibits, plays and recitals by local and visiting artists; frequent intercollegiate athletic events in modern facilities; and a variety of recreational opportunities on playing fields and courts, in neighboring forests, fields, and lakes.

Uşak University has been collaborating with the industrial organisations, chambers of commerce and industrial sites of its region in the fields of science and technology. It also benefits from cooperation and partnership with universities and research centres in related research fields and other EU projects via TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) and similar institutions.

Uşak University is a comprehensive, graduate, masters and doctoral-degree university offering to a diverse and capable student body a wide range of opportunities and challenges for learning and growth; to the world of knowledge, vigorous and expanding contributions in research, discovery, and application; and to the country and its people in every region, a variety of expert services. An able faculty, drawn from the best institutions in all parts of the nation, strive earnestly to demonstrate excellence in teaching, while producing in their specialised studies scholarly books, articles, and conference papers that gain respect for themselves, the University, and the state. Thus they ensure for their students instruction that is in immediate touch with current knowledge and thought. A body of energetic researchers, both faculty and other, assisted by an effective research administration, places Uşak University as a successful university among hundred universities in the nation in research and development in the sciences and engineering. The University's service agencies are similarly distinguished, earning the respect and support of their varied constituencies throughout the state, as well as in foreign countries.

Uşak University is dedicated to the three broad purposes already mentioned - learning, research, and service: learning, on-campus and off-campus, to enhance the intellectual, cultural, social, and professional development of its students; research, both to extend the present limits of knowledge and to bring deeper insight, understanding, and usefulness to existing knowledge; and service, to apply knowledge and the fruits of research to the lives of people.

Responsive image
  • Ankara-İzmir Yolu 8. Km Bir Eylül Kampüsü, 64100 Merkez/UŞAK/TÜRKİYE
  • +90 276 221 21 21
  • proje@usak.edu.tr
  • www.usak.edu.tr

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