Our partners
DomSpain Consulting
DomSpain is an adult education organisation specialised in the field of education and training, vocational studies, occupational, social and intercultural skills, languages and new technologies.
In education we are specialised in foreign languages, computer technology, economy and cooking programmes offering a wide range of courses and workshops to private entities and town halls within the country. We offer courses which can be tailored to the specific needs of our participants in any form (monographic, long-term or intensive courses, online e-learning, etc.). In addition, we organise, design and run all types of trainings, immersion programmes abroad, job shadowing, etc., for students, teachers, academic and administrative staff, newly arrived migrants or people who want to work abroad.Our courses are designed for anyone looking for an improvement in their job capacities and skills, open to new experiences without dropping their studies or those who need to be trained in language or cultural and intercultural skills. At the same time, we work to improve the educational level of teachers, academies and training centres as well as to provide guidance and support to schools and their teachers to implement technologies and innovative teaching methods. All this is possible thanks to our integrated upgrade in curriculum management training, which provides both teachers and learners with better competences in a wide range of topics.
DomSpain is a founding member of DLearn, a European Digital Learning Network which currently counts about 30 countries. This Association aims to improve the quality of education and adult training, promoting and facilitating the access, of both teachers and learners, to new technologies and innovative teaching tools.
DomSpain has a technical department providing training on technology resources for educators and learners and designing and developing open educational resource platforms. Having coordinated the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategical Partnership “Open the Door to Europe”, where an online platform for foreign language teaching and learning was developed (www.opendoortoeurope.eu), DomSpain's new project - Open IT Up - has been designed and developed as a complementary project to the previous one and is aimed at promoting adults' and adult educators' competences to upskill their pathways in the field of entrepreneurship in the digital era.
- Raval St Pere, núm. 1-3, principal - 43201 Reus (España)
- 0034 660 115 104
- international@domspain.eu
- www.domspain.eu
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